Beating the Blue Monday Blues
3 minute read

Blue Monday refers to the third Monday in January, which is often labelled as the "most depressing day of the year." The term was coined in 2005 by a British psychologist named Dr. Cliff Arnall, who created a formula based on factors such as weather conditions, post-holiday debt, low motivation, and the general feeling of winter fatigue. The idea is that all these elements combine to make people feel particularly low on this day. In recent years, Blue Monday has become a bit of a cultural phenomenon but here at KELSEY we think it’s a little reminder to take that bit of extra care of your mental health during this time of year.
Here's a few ideas to help beat the blues this January.
Start your day with a refreshing cleanse. Slather on our Luminous Glow cleanser in a luxuriously thick layer and let it sink in for 10 minutes. Then wash it off with a fluffy face cloth. You may be surprised how revitalised you feel just from washing your face!
Get outside! Embrace the cold if need be and spend some time with nature. A vigorous walk will get the blood pumping and your mind chilling. A little bit of vitamin D and natural light will do wonders for your mood. Even in winter, a wander around the KELSEY farm can lift my spirits.
- Tick something off. Whether it’s a big task or just a small nagging one, give yourself the satisfaction of removing something from your to-do list.
- Give yourself a little ‘me’ time. Read a book, give yourself an at home facial with our Mother of Masks, indulge in a hobby or why not take some time out to give yourself a little face yoga.
- Check in with friends and family, not only will you feel happier having a chat with someone you’ll probably be making their day too.
- Dance like no-ones watching! Crank up the volume and have a kitchen disco, I promise it will instantly boost your mood. As Ms Swift says “Shake it off”
Although Blue Monday has become somewhat of a cultural idea, we’ll always feel better if we take a little time to step back and breathe it all in and if you do need someone to talk to the Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123.